prayer requests

Please let us know how we can pray for you by submitting a request below.

Current prayer requests

Please pray for the requests below


God Answers Our Prayers: Please rejoice with us that Judi Mawson received the great news from her radiologist that she will not need any radiation treatment because the cancerous tumor was removed cleanly enough from her salivary gland. Please continue to keep Judi and Ken in your prayers for a permanent clean bill of health from cancer.


Please pray with us for a speedy permit process for the main entryway improvement project. This will be a necessary upgrade to the building before winter weather sets in, so please pray that everything will go well.


Praise the Lord with us: The mother and child who needed emergency housing have been temporarily residing with the Haworth family, and soon they will be transitioning to Bridge of Hope, where there will soon be a place for them. Please continue to pray that they will come to know the Lord through this hardship.